Hi there! I'm a data-driven, copy-based creative — drawing a wealth of experience from the tech, insurance, cryptocurrency and advertising sectors. My 9-year career spans editorial, digital marketing, UX writing, content strategy, branding, campaign and project management.
Singapore Botanic Gardens: Ethnobotany Centre
I worked on the research, content development and multimedia development for this project.
Working on galleries is a time-consuming process. Much of the work goes into artefact categorisation, maintenance, research, copywriting, and assisting the client in deconstructing complex information.
We created this interactive touch screen projection to tell the story of how spices journeyed all over the world. Where possible, we try to turn complicated jargon into an interactive and visual way.
We make use of creative technology to convey information, such as this sliding video rotoscope.
The Singapore Botanic Gardens Centre for Ethnobotany is open from 9am-6pm daily, and is located at 1G Cluny Rd, Singapore 259569.