In 2016, Hoshino's marketing team contacted me to write a story for them. They paid for my flight international and domestic flight tickets, gave me a rental car plus 4 nights stay at Tomamu Hoshino Resorts in Hokkaido.

During my stay, I made a complete ass of myself. On the first night, I forgot to switch off the car lights and left it running overnight. The next day my car's battery went completely flat.

I had to run around the hotel with my half-baked Japanese and ask for random people for help to restart the car. Thankfully a hotel member had a pair of jumper cables and restarted the car for me.

Never let a person who just passed his driver's test six months ago to drive overseas. Till now I am still afraid of driving cars. I'd rather take a Grab. #GreenLyfe

Thanks for reading this small story that I've written. The actual article that I wrote above was pretty boring, to be honest.