Bitget Rebranding
In July 2021, Bitget changed its logo and visual language, and required a flagship video to announce this change. I provided scriptwriting for this video, garnering an outreach of 33.8 million views on Twitter and 438k views on YouTube.

Full video here.

Bitget's 5th Anniversary
Bitget needed a 5th anniversary video, and I proposed the idea behind what happened every 5 minutes at Bitget. This video garnered 11.8 million views on Twitter and 53k views on YouTube.

Full video here.

Crypto Experience Day
I provided scriptwriting for this vlog-style video recapping Bitget's Crypto Experience Day under the CSR Blockchain 4 Youth programme. 

Full video here.

KCGI Trading Competition
I provided scriptwriting for Bitget's Kings Global Cup Invitational competition rules video.

Full video here.

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