Bitget Spot ETF
Bitget had several new Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that were launched, so I came up with a concept of a trading card game where users had to "Trade 'em all". 
Full post here.
Bitget Security
Security plays a huge part at Bitget. This post serves to convey a feeling of safety to users, and I used copy that is all-inclusive, assuring, and attractive to potentially convert users into existing ones.
Full post here.
Bitget VS Function
Bitget launched a new function, titled 'VS' which allows users to compare traders and choose one that fits their bill. I came up with a boxing-themed concept of 'knocking out losers' and only picking the winner.
Full post here.
Bitget Tools
For this post, we decided to go down a 'seductive' route, combining the the word 'tool' with words like 'essential', 'need' and 'successful'. We then came up with playful sexual imagery to create a memorable post.
Full post here.
Trading Tips
We decided to make this post action-oriented and skateboarding-themed. Using skateboarding terminology, we created content that contrasts copy trading against the other trading styles. We then leave it up to the user to choose which style they prefer.
Full post here.
Bitget Smart Awards NFT
I provided scripting and storyboarding for this video.

Full video here.

Dual Investment
I provided scripting for this video.

Click here for the full post.

I wrote the script for Bitget's new financial product, MegaSwap, for Bitget's Managing Director Gracy Chen.

Click here for the full post.

Shark Fin
I provided scripting and storyboarding for this video.

Click here for the full post.

Copy Trading Promotional Posts
This is a weekly promotional series where I had to liaise with different global stakeholders to promote Bitget's flagship product, Copy Trading.
Home page
Home page
Full post here.
Full post here.
Full post here.
Full post here.

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